
Volume [8]
No. [1]
June 2011

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Palestinian Olive Oil: Raising Money and Awareness

By The Editor May 2011

On March 27, 2011, NorCal ISM held one of its most popular community functions, the olive oil bottling party.

The tradition began in 2003 and it binds the Northern California community in ways reminiscent of the way local communities are bound in Palestine. In both places, olive cultivation, harvesting, pressing and use are communal projects, where people eat and socialize together and renew their ties.

Olive Oil back label

In Palestine, the community often owns the land, while individual families may own individual trees for hundreds or even thousands of years. An olive branch is the symbol of peace because such an offering is an invitation to plant and own something that will make the receiver a permanent member of the community. Trees are often given individual names, and become like a member of the family, outliving all the others.

Olive Oil Bottling party 1

The horror of losing such a precious possession is poorly understood by those who do not have the same attachment or sense of permanence. It is said that the king of Persia once asked a farmer why he was planting a tree that would not produce much fruit until after his lifetime. The response of the farmer was, ?hey planted, we eat. We plant, they will eat.”

Sadly, millions of these and other fruit trees have been destroyed by Israeli forces, in their ongoing campaign to rid the land of Palestinians and their culture. Nevertheless, Palestinians continue to plant for future generations.

Olive Oil soap

NorCal ISM participates in this tradition by purchasing bulk olive oil, zaatar (thyme) and soap from Palestine fair trade producers. Fair trade costs more, but assures that the proceeds are reinvested in the communities and that the farmers receive a fair price. The quality is also the best organic extra virgin that Palestine can produce, and Palestine has been renowned for thousands of years for the rich flavor of its olive oil. We also buy kufiyyas (scarves) in both traditional and newer designs from the last Palestinian factory still producing them.
Olive Oil front label

Our products are a wonderful way to raise money for the ISM in Palestine and to subsidize our volunteers who travel there. They also raise awareness. Our labels pull no punches about what is happening to Palestinians and their trees. They make wonderful gifts to friends and a memorable alternative to a bottle of wine.

Olive Oil Bottling party 2
Our products are now available on line at, and we can ship them anywhere, thanks to a line of shipping materials that keeps them safe. Thanks to all of you who participate with your time and energy at our bottling parties and to those who buy our products. If you would like to receive a notice of our next party, please write to