Winter 2021 ISM Newsletter

The all-new Winter 2021 edition of the ISM NorCal newsletter, “Live from Palestine, ” is now available. The newsletter is edited by ISM’s Jeff Pekrul and contains news reports, diaries, analysis, events and more. Download the PDF copy or read the articles below:
Logical Fallacies in the Argument for Maintaining Israeli Control Over Palestinian Lands

Katie Miranda and Charlotte Kates October 2021 The Zionist arguments for maintaining control over Palestinian land and Palestinian self-determination have become so ubiquitous in media, politics and culture that they are rarely challenged outside of progressive circles. Media and politics are driven by exaggerations, dishonesty and hyperbole. One of the common methods of driving […]
International volunteers to return to Palestine: Olive harvest under attack

By ISM NorCal ISM Palestine is looking forward to welcoming volunteers back to Palestine to support grassroots Palestinian nonviolent resistance to Israeli occupation. On November 1, 2021, the Israeli occupation authorities announced that international visitors and tourists would once again be allowed to enter the area; of course, this does not mean that the […]
Olive Oil: Sustaining Palestinian Farmers

By ISM-NorCal Al’Ard (The Land), is a Palestinian company started to support impoverished and small Palestinian farmers who were struggling to sell their olive oil at a fair price by providing them with state-of-the art facilities and helping them into the global market. Today, Al-Ard is the largest Palestinian exporter of olive oil, working with […]
Summer 2021 ISM Newsletter

The all-new Summer 2021 edition of the ISM NorCal newsletter, “Live from Palestine, ” is now available. The newsletter is edited by ISM’s Jeff Pekrul and contains news reports, diaries, analysis, events and more. Download the PDF copy or read the articles below:
Winter 2020 ISM Newsletter

The all-new Winter 2020 edition of the ISM NorCal newsletter, “Live from Palestine, ” is now available. The newsletter is edited by ISM’s Jeff Pekrul and contains news reports, diaries, analysis, events and more. Download the PDF copy or read the articles below:
COVID-19, settler violence and the Palestinian olive harvest

The olive harvest is not only a source of livelihood and sustenance for many Palestinian farmers and their families, it is also a season of Palestinian resistance through existing on their land and continuing to till their soil. Palestinian farmers face ongoing settler violence and attacks by the Israeli occupation army, declaring olive growth areas […]
Volunteer Spotlight: Lenore Sheridan

If you bought anything from the ISM online store in the past couple years, it was probably shipped by, or even delivered in person by Lenore Sheridan. Lenore has been volunteering with the NorCal ISM group for the past 5 years, and doing the majority of the office support for the past 2. Lenore got […]
Online Rally for Gaza

The Online Rally for Gaza was held on September 7, 2020, in response to Israel’s bombing of Gaza for19 continuous days that began on August 11, and which received practically no coverage in the mainstream media. The rally was attended by as many as 3,900 people who viewed the event on Facebook. ISM was part […]
The Racist Violence of Israeli Home Demolitions

For Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem, home demolitions are a constant threat. Used as a form of both collective punishment and ethnic cleansing, Israeli occupation forces routinely bulldoze and destroy the homes of Palestinian prisoners, leaving their entire families homeless. In occupied Jerusalem and in villages and agricultural areas throughout Palestine classified […]