Tabling volunteers needed!

Are you looking for an easy way to get involved with ISM? Do you enjoy explaining the need for solidarity with Palestine and the need for U.S. volunteers to go there? ISM needs more volunteers participate in what we call “tabling”, which is staffing our literature table at community events throughout the Bay Area. We […]
June 2018 ISM Newsletter

Check out the articles in the new June 2018 issue of “Live from Palestine,” the ISM-NorCal newsletter, or download the PDF copy to save or print. Online Special: ISM tour comes at potential turning point for Palestine by Joe Catron The biggest question from the ISM speaking tour: Why? by Katie Miranda The Spectacular North America ISM […]
The biggest question from the ISM speaking tour: Why?

By Katie Miranda, April 2018 The first week of April, I had the honor of being a part of the North American International Solidarity Movement speaking tour. The idea for this tour came as a result of a meeting between various ISM support groups worldwide and people working on the ground with ISM in Palestine. […]
The Spectacular North America ISM Tour

ISM volunteers are getting in to Palestine. The other NGOs are honest about their intentions, and Israel turns them away. We lie about our intentions and we get in. Sorry, but that’s what we have to do. But our supply of money and volunteers is very low because people are beginning to forget who […]
At Home in Solidarity

By Billy, April 2018 Since Syria took down the Israeli fighter jet in early February, the F16s have been circling more frequently overhead. Their droning sounds distinct as they drop light flares and play war games in the sky. I get lost looking up, forget where I am, retrace my steps and find myself on […]
Palestinian and International activists plant olive saplings on village land ordered for confiscation by Israel in Burin

By the International Solidarity Movement March 18, 2018 Palestinian and international activists successfully planted dozens of olive saplings in the village of Burin near Nablus, located in the northern West Bank. Palestinians and internationals together laid pictures of prominent activists in front of the planted saplings; some of these activists were killed by the Israeli […]
Book Review: “The Other Side of the Wall” by Richard Hardigan

By Paul Larudee, April 2018 Live from Palestine, the newsletter of the International Solidarity Movement support group in Northern California, has been publishing reports from ISM volunteers for fifteen years now, but only twice before to our knowledge has the ISM experience been expanded into a book. This one is very special indeed. Richard Hardigan […]
December 2017 Newsletter

Check out the articles in the new December 2017 issue of “Live from Palestine,” the ISM-NorCal newsletter, or download the PDF copy to save or print. H2, The Belly of the Beast The 2017 Meeting of ISM International Chapters Bad News: ISM-NorCal is the funding pillar of ISM-Palestine Nakba Tour Lets Palestinian Refugees Tell Their […]
The 2017 Meeting of ISM International Chapters

This year, the ISM met in Jordan for its first international meeting in more than a decade, and its first truly international meeting ever. (The first was held in London and was heavily British in attendance, as one would expect.)
Nine countries, including Palestine, were represented, with no more than three from any one country. In that sense, it was a true representation of the ISM international community. We agreed that it is worth doing again, possibly every two years.
Nakba Tour Lets Palestinian Refugees Tell Their Story

Last month at New York University’s Furman Hall, Palestinian refugees Khawla Hammad and Amena El-Ashkar spoke about their experiences being driven from their homes to refugee camps in neighboring Lebanon. The discussion was the fourth in their two-month “In Our Own Words: Voices from the Nakba” national tour, which includes 14 stops along the East Coast and in parts of Canada.